For once we don’t look at the trends of wedding hairstyles, but give an overview of what we really think are the most amazing, cool, cool, beautiful, sexy, super cool wedding hairstyles of all time! These hairstyles always remain hip and charming, so take advantage of them and find your favorite among our wedding hairstyles toppers!


Long wedding hairstyles

I think everyone knows this kind of wedding hairstyle or has seen a variation on it. I call it the waterfall myself. It is a super casual, charming and sexy hairstyle that consists of soft curls that fall over your shoulder. The lower part is often worn in the front. super sexy! Ideal to combine with beautiful curlies or small flowers. A flower wreath is also very nice with this type of wedding hairstyle, provided it is not too big.


There is a variant with calm and well-groomed curls and a wilder version with some blades here and there for a more naughty look. The forelock is angled or you have straight cut bangs. The variant with the quiet curls often has hair hanging over the shoulders on two sides and can do without any accessories. We also see buns a lot with short hair, twisted together with a beautiful pin or flower or other pieces of jewelry.


Medium length wedding hairstyles

We love wild, casual wedding hairstyles. Delicious as nature intended! Medium length hairstyles are ideally suited for the ‘storm look’. You can go from very wild and sexy (stormy) to very beautifully styled chic with this kind of wedding hairstyle. Or you start with calm waves and the beautiful curls come at the bottom of the haircut. There are many variations that can be made.


Short wedding hairstyles

Cheeky spikes, sweet curls or a super tight flat combed haircut with a bright popping pure color. Short  hairstyles are not for all women and always require a specialized professional to work with them. Whether you have very short hair or down to your ear, there are beautiful wedding hairstyles for all lengths. Think of a cool front lock or quiff that you blow-dry to the back. Or the chic version: blow-dried the forelock to the side. Charming and chic or wild and sexy, do what suits you!