Start Running


Start Running five or ten kilometers is a good goal and a good way to work on your fitness. But how do you start if you’ve never run before? We’ll give you some great tips. Just put on your running shoes.

1. Start Running wisely

If you haven’t run in a long time, or have never done it before, it’s important to start slowly. Do not immediately go too fast with a too fanatical schedule. Walking every other day is sufficient and in the beginning a route of fifteen minutes is enough. Stop as soon as it becomes too much for you or start alternating walking and running.

2. Walking is fine

You don’t have to run continuously. Walking is not bad at all. A mix of running and slow walking is good to build up your condition. For example, run five times for one minute and alternate with walking five times for two minutes.

3. Track your times

Focus on your health, not fast times and long distances. This is not important at all for a novice runner. It is useful to know how many kilometers per hour you are running in order to be able to see progress in your running efficiency later on. For example, clock a route of one to three kilometers. A fitbit can help you with that and also keeps track of your progress.

4. Find your own pace

Find your own pace while running. To do this, listen to your breathing. Speed ​​up your stride and as long as you don’t have to gasp for air, you’re walking at a good pace.

5. Get the right clothes

Get the right outfit. Only run in running shoes , as kicked-out sneakers increase the risk of injury. Make sure you have a nice outfit that doesn’t pinch and use lighting or reflective clothing when you run in the dark.

6. Listen to music

With a running bracelet you can take your phone with you and listen to a playlist on the go. That way you can keep running for longer and it is also less boring. You can find a lot of running playlists on Spotify.

7. Build up slowly

If you build up training gradually, then your body has rest so that your body can recover from all efforts. That is important in order not to get injured. There are various training plans and programs available online and in apps to build up your distance and/or speed. And remember: in the beginning it is already a lot if you can run for one or two minutes. Beginner schedules take this into account.