If we’ve learned anything from the lockdowns, it’s that our hair doesn’t need that much to sit well. Where we often blow-dry, straighten and curl our hair to get it perfect, we’ll all leave these tools in the closet from now on. When Anti blow-dry ‘ hair because it turns all about making the most of the natural texture of your hair.
We’re going completely au naturel this year.
‘Anti Blow Dry’ hair
Not only will it save you a lot of time: not blow-drying, straightening or curling your hair is also much better for the quality of your hair. All the heat from styling tools will damage your hair, making your hair duller, rougher and more prone to damage.
It is well known that too much heat is harmful to your hair, but that is not the only good reason to embrace your natural hair structure. It is very good to get to know your own hair structure. Many people have no idea how to take care of their hair structure, by delving into this you will learn how to get the best results from your own hair.
Hair trend for fall
Now that we even leave our eyebrows more and more natural , it is also our haircut’s turn. The ‘Anti blow-dry’ hair trend works well with any hair type, we just need to adjust our routine slightly. With some hair thicknesses it can take a little longer before your hair is dry, but this hair trend has even thought about that.
It is best to dry your hair with a T-shirt. A fluffy towel will make your hair rougher and damage it. Tuck your hair in the middle of a T-shirt, let it dry for 20 minutes and your hair will regain its natural texture in that time. This easily fits into our morning routine.
Would you like to do something more for your hair? Then use styling products. With this you can give your hair just a little more movement and structure. Do you want to change your hair structure but not damage your hair by heat? Then read how you can curl your hair in 5 different ways without using heat.
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